Monday, July 11, 2005

Right Reverend Wright Writes Right Rite

Okay, so it’s really an address rather than a rite, per se, but I couldn’t resist the title. A friend with an excellent theological mind and a gracious spirit tipped me off to an outstanding sermon by N. T. (Tom) Wright, noted theologian and Anglican Bishop of Durham, England. Bishop Wright was addressing the recent Anglican Consultative Council, which in effect temporarily disinvited the Episcopal Church (USA) and the Anglican Church of Canada from participation in the larger Anglican Communion.

Bishop Wright’s address is fairly long, but it will be one of the most rewarding reads of your summer. He models what it means for a leader of conviction to hang in there in a worrisome denomination, obviously keeping his faith intact and witness vital. Wright provides something sound for theological conservatives to hold on to and is eminently quotable. But he isn’t held captive to political conservatism, and thus even some theological liberals may find points of agreement, as well.

Following are some excerpts, for those of you who preferred Cliffs Notes in school:

· About evangelistic cold feet: “If you stop saying ‘Jesus is Lord’ out of deference to the private opinions of your friends and neighbours, Caesar smiles his grim smile and extends his empire by one more street.”

· About false tolerance: “The cooling of ardour which some have embraced as a virtue, leaving room for tolerance, for generosity of heart and mind, for openness to fresh truth – that is all very well when you apply it, as we have often done, in the world precisely of private opinion. But when you are in Caesar’s world, where truth comes out of the barrel of a gun, or in his day the sheath of a sword, tolerance can simply be a fancy name for cowardice.”

· About Christianity being more than personal opinion: “This is the framework within which Luke has told his tale [in Acts]: that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah and the world’s true Lord, and that in and through him the one true and living God has become king of the world, king in a way which ought to make Caesar shiver in his shoes, king in a way which sends his heralds scurrying out into the world, or for that matter languishing in prison as a direct result of their work, but still announcing his kingship with full, complete boldness and with unstoppable, Spirit-given power. We know all this, and it’s good to be reminded that Luke says it so firmly, and yet if we’re honest it sounds . . . well, somehow rather unAnglican [and we could say “unPresbyterian]. It’s a bit too enthusiastic, too definite, too many hard edges. What has happened, of course, is that our Anglicanism has often become just a bit too much inculturated into the world of western Deism, where all beliefs are simply opinions, where all statements of theological truth are reduced to statements of personal likes and dislikes….”

· About domesticated religion: “The great eighteenth-century virtue of tolerance was developed not least by those who were keen on extending their geographical or industrial empires, and who didn’t want God breathing down their necks to stop them. Keep religion in the private sphere and we’ll run the public square. And to that idea Luke says a clear No; and so must we.”

· About how radical Christianity is: “Early Christianity was not a matter of teaching people a new way to be religious. It was not about reconnecting with your own inner self. It was not even about a new means of securing a place in heaven after you died – since the new world, the new creation, and the resurrection which would bring you to share in it, was far more important. No: the central thing was this, that Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, was the true Lord and King of the world, and was calling everyone to account.”

· About liberalism’s internal weakness: “My brothers and sisters, is it surprising that, if every doctrine from the Trinity to the divinity of Jesus to his saving death and bodily resurrection and ascension has been dismissed as outdated, disproved or irrelevant, the church should then have no means of protesting against massive economic injustice, against the erosion and inversion of sexual morality, against rampant militarism – in other words, against Caesar and all his weapons?”

· About Jesus being Lord, meaning we’re not: “We know today better than for many generations that we have to announce to the principalities and powers that their time is up, that Jesus is Lord and that they are not, that the unchecked power of Mammon is an idol that has to be named and shamed, that the seductive blandishments of Aphrodite are a ghastly lie which has to be refuted and resisted, that the horrid trumpets of the war-god Mars appeal to all that is worst in us and will make the world a worse place.”

· About costly obedience: “We are starting to realize that the lies put out by the Enlightenment – that Christianity was disproved, outdated, and bad for your health – were the childish taunts of those who were anxious in case God’s kingdom might call them after all to costly obedience.”

· About expecting adversity: “We are on the threshold of a great new work of God, a work of wholistic mission and evangelism in which God’s kingdom will be announced, and Jesus will be named as Lord, openly and unhindered. And it is precisely at such points that we should expect the strongest winds and the fiercest waves to blow us off course, to turn the ship upside down, and to drown us all in the dark sea of postmodern amorality and factious in-fighting. And the answer is that we must keep up our courage and see the thing through.”

· About courage to name Jesus as Lord: “Never, never forget in the days to come: the reason you go through the storm is because you are carrying the gospel of God’s kingdom, to let the powers of the world know that Jesus is their rightful Lord…. Hold on; keep up your courage; don’t lose your nerve; ride out the storm, so that you can stand before the powers, announce God’s kingdom, and proclaim Jesus as Lord, with all boldness and unhindered.”

· About renouncing idolatry and sexual immorality: “And among those consequences [of announcing Jesus as Lord] are of course the controversies that the early church had to face, the greatest among them being the integration of Jew and Gentile into a single family. Notice how it’s done, in the famous chapter 15. The issue is faced. The scriptures are searched. The decision is made: of course the kingdom of God welcomes people from every family under heaven; but of course that family must renounce the twin dehumanizing evils of idolatry and sexual immorality. It is, after all, supposed to be the model of a new way of being human, a way inaugurated by Jesus and now enabled by the Spirit, a way which anticipates the way of being human which will obtain when Jesus comes again to put all things to rights.”

I am thankful that there remain people like Tom Wright, whose mind and pen so ably produce messages that feed our understanding and fuel our courage!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Wright makes some telling points. Considering the context - life in the modern world - such stands must be taken boldly.
One little cloud on the horizon, Brother Wright in this series of quotes comes out equally forceful as the Muslim Jihadists.
One of the major challenges of Christianity today will be to take Brother Wright's stand on the faith, without moving into a war-like religious confrontation/collision.
The issue is not the depth and fervor of our beliefs. The issue is finding a way to live together with others in the same world - honoring the integrity of their viewpoints without diluting our own convictions

6:40 AM, July 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ehh, not necessarily; when it comes to radical Islamists, confrontation is inevitable. The key there is to try to work in such a way that the confrontation isn't between us and them, but between them and mainstream Islam, as represented by folks like the current Grand Mufti of Egypt (forget his name).

BTW, Jim, good to see you back on the horse.

4:07 PM, July 14, 2005  
Blogger PatrickMead said...

Absolutely outstanding. God won't let me be this quotable for He knows I would then become arrogant. While most of my brethren will now gag and swoon to hear me say it: Thank God for this Anglican!

2:59 PM, July 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame that someone like Rev. Wright is not on the PCUSA PUP TaskForce.

12:57 PM, August 01, 2005  
Blogger Apostle John said...

Some good points here, and a lot to chew and meditate upon. Thanks for the post

3:16 PM, August 19, 2005  

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